Email Marketing Best Practices - Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Whether you want to promote your latest sale, inform readers about a service, or encourage new customers to visit your brick-and-mortar store, email marketing is a great way to keep your business top of mind with customers and potential clients.

When used correctly, emails can drive more online sales and in-person traffic, but poor email design or content can lead to low click-through rates, missed opportunities, or even spam complaints. To avoid these pitfalls, follow these 10 email marketing best practices.

The first step in effective email marketing is building a solid subscriber list. It is crucial to make sure that you have a process in place to collect email addresses as your website visitors or shoppers check out. This can include a pop-up form that asks for a visitor’s name and email address or a text field where they can sign up to receive your emails.

You should also check that the email addresses that you have on file are correct regularly, to prevent sending emails to invalid or undeliverable addresses. If you’re using an email marketing platform that charges for each subscriber, a large number of invalid or undeliverable addresses will eat into your subscription costs.

Many of us are guilty of this one from time to time, but it’s important not to send the same email to all of your subscribers. Not only does this bore readers, but it can also annoy them enough to mark your email as spam. Instead, use your email list segmentation capabilities to divide your audience into groups with different interests and send targeted emails to each group.

Your subject lines should be compelling and compel readers to open your email. However, be careful not to get too sales-heavy in your subject lines. While your industry may have jargon that only insiders will know, writing an overly salesy subject line can turn readers off. Instead, write your subject lines in the same tone that you would use when giving advice to a friend.

Pre-headers are a great way to supplement your subject line and give subscribers a preview of what they’ll find in your email. They’re especially useful on mobile devices where the space for a subject line is limited. Try adding a question to your subject line, or writing a teaser that makes it clear there’s more to the story in the email.

An effective call-to-action is a must for any email campaign. It’s the one thing that will help you move from a brand awareness to a conversion-focused email strategy. Use your calls-to-action to guide the subscriber down the right path, which can be as simple as asking them to purchase or download a product or more complicated such as inviting them to write a review.

Email is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy, but it’s easy to fall into bad habits when creating your campaigns. Keeping these ten best practices in mind will ensure that your email marketing is a success.

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The Same "about me" text you wrote on your about me page; you want to write it here or write an excerpt of it here. Just make sure it makes sense, and looks complete if you're going to write an excerpt. So delete this text and add yours on every article page.

Jean-Patrick Jeremie

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